Vinyl Fence Post Caps:
Each particular style of fence has a
recommended standard post cap that is sold
with that specific style. The price of that
standard cap is figured into the price of each
post on our order form. However, if you have
a different preference for your fence, it is
very easy to order post caps of your choice.
Standard Cap styles are Pyramid, Gothic and
Classic New England.
Specialty Cap styles are Ball, Tear Drop and
Pricing for all post caps can be located on
the order form or
Post Cap
Pricing. There
will be an up charge to upgrade from a Pyramid
to any other style of cap. Gothic and Classic
New England can be switched out with each
other at no additional cost. There will be an
upcharge for upgrading from Gothic and Classic
New England to a Specialty Cap.
With each order, we will provide enough PVC
adhesive to effectively secure all post caps
at no charge. Additional PVC glue can be
ordered on the order form.
If you have any questions about your Post Cap